Childhood Eye Cancer Trust Research Grants: Application process

All applications to CHECT for research funding will be subject to the below process:
1. internal triage
The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) reviews the eligibility of all research applications to ensure they adhere to the aims of CHECT’s research strategy, and an initial shortlisting takes place, based on the quality of the application. All shortlisted applications that exceed £25,000 or fall outside the expertise of the SAC will be sent for written review.

2. written expert review
Shortlisted applications are sent to (usually two) independent expert reviewers

3. final review
The SAC discuss the written reviews and make recommendations to the CHECT Board of Trustees.

4. trustees
The charity’s Board of Trustees make the final funding decisions.
More detail about this process can be found in the AMRC Principles of Expert Review document.
All reviewers (internal and external) are working in line with CHECT’s Conflict of Interest and Grant Review Code of Conduct policies.
All applicants making submissions to the CHECT grant round will be advised of the outcome of their application by November. Our current award rate for applications is 32%.
CHECT endorses the AMRC position statements on supporting research in universities and the use of animals in research.