
CHECT publications
You can download and read all of our latest publications below, including our InFocus newsletter, impact report and annual report and accounts. Don’t forget to check out our news page too for up to date news and announcements.
InFocus newsletter
If you’d like to receive a regular copy of InFocus in the post, please sign up to become a CHECT member – it’s free to join. You can also download the most recent editions to view online:
Annual report and accounts
View or download our latest annual report and accounts from 2023-24
If you would like a plain text version or to see a previous years’ accounts please email or write to us at Childhood Eye Cancer Trust, The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel Road, London, E1 1FR.
Impact report
Our impact report gives an update on our achievements over the last four years and our plans for the next three. For facts, figures and information about our future plans, download our 2018-2022 impact report here.
Special edition publications
Our 25th birthday InFocus special edition gives more information about how we began and our work between 1987 and 2012.