Paying in your collection box funds

To make your donation go a little bit further, we are able to claim an extra 25% from HMRC under the ‘Gift Aid Small Donations scheme’ so long as:
- The funds are paid in cash, directly into HSBC with one of our paying in slips
- All funds are voluntary donations and not made in exchange for goods (i.e. at a bake sale)
- No one donation from a single individual is over £30
If your donation qualifies and you are able to visit an HSBC branch, please email us at and we will send you a paying in slip.
Bank Transfer
Transfer the funds into our bank account. Our details are:
Bank name: Natwest
Account: Childhood Eye Cancer Trust
Sort code: 60-14-26
Account number: 56175876
Ref: Please enter your FULL NAME.
Send us a cheque and please include your name and the event at which the collecting box was used.
Please make your cheque payable to ‘CHECT’ and send it to us at:
Childhood Eye Cancer Trust
The Royal London Hospital
Whitechapel Road
London E1 1FR
Please email us at or phone 0207 377 5578 to tell us that you’ve donated as we’d really like the opportunity to thank you!