
We’d like to say a very Happy Christmas – and a huge thank you – to all of our wonderful members and supporters.

It’s been a busy year at the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust and we’ve achieved some great things with your generous support.

Here are just some of the highlights:

• 100% of families were offered support following a diagnosis of retinoblastoma and throughout their child’s treatment.
• We provided more than 2,000 hours of support to around 525 families.
• Our smartphone poster campaign to raise awareness of retinoblastoma had more than 1.1 million views on YouTube and won multiple awards.
• We launched our new website in September to provide people with even better support, information and advice about Rb.
• Our first ever teenage weekend was a huge success, with great feedback from the young Rb survivors who attended.
• We now have more than 4,100 likes on Facebook and 2,350 followers on Twitter.

Looking forward – 2016 and beyond

We may be a small charity but we’re a passionate one too, and we’re very ambitious about what we want to achieve. We won’t rest until more and more people know about Rb so that children are diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible.

Some of the things we’ll be focusing on in 2016 and beyond include campaigning for quicker diagnosis and treatment options, and finding new ways to reach and help concerned families outside of the hospital setting.

We’ll also be making sure people affected by Rb can access appropriate counselling and psychological support services.

With your continued support, we know that we can make a difference. Thank you.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the CHECT team.