
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month – Going for Gold!

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month logo

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month! The internationally recognised symbol of childhood cancer is the gold ribbon, which is why this September CHECT is ‘going for gold’! Here are just some of the ways you can get involved.

About retinoblastoma

One child a week in the UK is diagnosed with retinoblastoma, a rare form of eye cancer found in children under the age of six.

Although UK survival rates are 98%, just under half of children diagnosed will lose an eye and many more are left with reduced vision. Many children and adults live with the consequences of a delayed diagnosis or the late effects of treatment received. Being affected by a rare childhood cancer also carries a huge emotional impact for everyone concerned.

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month logo
CHECT is marking Childhood Cancer Awareness Month to continue our important work across four areas:
Raising awareness with parents and healthcare professionals so that every child is diagnosed and treated ASAP.

Providing one-to-one support to every family diagnosed with Rb in the UK, as well as to teens and adults affected by Rb.

Funding research into the prevention and treatment of retinoblastoma to produce real changes.

Influencing policy to improve services for patients.

Get involved – raise awareness for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Share your story

If you would like to share your retinoblastoma story with other CHECT supporters on our blog, or maybe feature in a media article such as a magazine, newspaper or TV news, please get in touch by filling out our Google form.

A little girl has her hands on her face. She has a white glow in one eye

Spread awareness on social media

We will be posting videos, stories and statistics throughout September, so please like and share our content so that as many people see it as possible. Our hashtag is #TeamCHECT.

The text says 'get involved!' and has a gold ribbon behind the CHECT logo

Create awareness videos

We would love to see your TikToks, Instagram reels and YouTube videos which help to spread awareness around retinoblastoma and the signs and symptoms! Please tag us and use the hashtag #TeamCHECT.

Help us spread the word

You can help us to raise awareness in your local community by distributing leaflets and posters in local libraries, health centres, nurseries or anywhere you see fit! You can also request a retinoblastoma pack for professionals to give to GP practices and opticians in your area. Please contact info@chect.org.uk to request packs, leaflets and posters.

A copy of our signs and symptoms leaflet

Get involved – Events

The 50km Your Way Challenge!

CHECT will be launching its 50km Your Way Campaign again this September following a successful campaign last year. The idea is simple and flexible: complete 50 kilometres in any way you choose throughout the month of September in recognition of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month to represent approximately 50 children diagnosed a year with the childhood eye cancer retinoblastoma. You can walk, run, cycle, swim or even skate – whatever you decide!  

  • To take part simply register for the campaign on the CHECT website. 

  • Decide how you want to complete your 50km. 

  • Fundraise on JustGiving and share with your friends and family. 

For every £150 raised, we’ll be giving away a pair of limited-edition CHECT shoelaces and for every £300 raised, you will receive our amazing CHECT technical t-shirt! 

“Join me in taking part in this campaign for CHECT so together we can raise more funds to support families affected by Rb and raise awareness”. Priyanka Kotecha, Fundraising Manager. 

For more information please visit: www.chect.org.uk/50km

Hold a Crazy Glasses Day at your home, nursery, school or workplace

It’s a quick, easy and fun way to support CHECT and raise funds for babies, children and their families affected by retinoblastoma. Just create your own or purchase a pair of novelty glasses to wear for the day in exchange for a donation – encourage others to do the same. We’ve even created free downloadable glasses templates to get you started.

Find out more about Crazy Glasses Day.

Do it yourself                                                                                                         

Of course, you don’t need us to tell you what to do – if you are brimming with fundraising ideas and plans, do give free rein to your creativity and let your imagination take over… Order a fundraising pack and get in touch with us at fundraising@chect.org.uk – we will help you as much as we can, provide you with fundraising resources, and chat you through any issues you may need to consider.


Help us raise vital funds

We’re a small charity that plays a big role in the lives of people affected by Rb. We receive no government funding and rely entirely on voluntary donations to continue our work supporting families, raising awareness of this little-known disease and funding research into prevention and treatment. But we can’t do it without the generosity of our wonderful CHECT members and supporters. Please help in any way you can during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

Whether it is buying CHECT merchandise, running a Marathon, getting your employer involved, or donating directly to our work, you will be helping in the fight against retinoblastoma. And if you would like to encourage others to donate, you can order one of our collecting tins or boxes or simply share our special Childhood Cancer Awareness Month QR code with your friends and family by social media, WhatsApp or email – it only takes a minute to give a gift to CHECT.

If you would like to set up a regular gift to help us in our work you can do this on our Donate page.

Ernie Holt in hospital with an eye bandage over his right eye. Still smiling though!

Visit our CHECT merchandise page

We have added a selection of T shirts, running vests and other fundraising merchandise to our page devoted to CHECT branded materials. We even have specially priced Christmas cards for those of you who are super organised…

100% of profits go directly towards our work offering support to every family in the UK with a diagnosis of retinoblastoma, so you can be sure that each item you order will help us to fight Rb. Show your support for CHECT and wear it with pride!

T.shirts are now available on our shop
pin badge
Front view of the CHECT running vest
Collection tin. White with three pictures of CHECT members on and text reading Thank You as well as the CHECT website

There are lots of ways to donate

Get your employer involved!                

If your employer has a Charity of the Year initiative, do find out when they invite suggestions of charities to support – we would love you to nominate CHECT! Find out more, and other ways in which your workplace could support us or email our Fundraising Manager at fundraising@chect.org.uk

Donate via our QR code
text to donate
Donate via our website

Simply scan the QR code on your smartphone and follow the instructions to make a donation (you may need to enable QR codes in your camera settings) or click for the pay link. Your gift will come straight to CHECT, without having to download an app. You see exactly who you are paying and give your consent to your bank, via your own banking app – please rest assured that we do not receive your bank details.

Or visit our Donate page to donate online, by bank transfer, set up a regular gift and for details on how to pay in funds collected for CHECT. Thank you!