When your little one is diagnosed with retinoblastoma, the journey that follows is an emotional rollercoaster – and no one knows this better than Sally Northfield, whose son Clark had surgery to remove his eye, followed by chemotherapy in 2015. She has shared her...
When Ernie was diagnosed with cancer just before his first birthday, it was his parents’ worst nightmare. But positivity saw them through their retinoblastoma journey and now they can look forward to their future, as mum Keri Holt explains… So, Ernie’s story...
Xavi was diagnosed with retinoblastoma two days after he celebrated turning two years old. Now, as his third birthday approaches, his mum Rhiannon Malbas shares their family’s journey over the last year… Two days after his second birthday our lives were turned upside...
On Saturday, nine teenage CHECT members went on a VIP tour of the Global radio studios in London, home to stations like Capital, LBC and Heart. Here 16-year-old Harry Harrison gives his account of this fabulous day… On Saturday, myself and eight other teenagers met...
Starting school is a huge step for any child but there are added worries for parents of a child who has had retinoblastoma, as Jodie Wood, mum to four-year-old Jude, discovered. But she knows that her little boy is ready to start big school and, with the right support...
A CHECT-funded research study, called the Eloise Patterson Project, is being undertaken by the Retinoblastoma Genetics Unit at Barts Health NHS Trust. The Unit is asking for patients and parents of children affected by retinoblastoma to take part in a short survey...