Dr Amy Gerrish and her team have been working to develop a form of liquid biopsy, using cell-free DNA (cfDNA) found in eye fluid, to discover if a patient has the heritable or non-heritable form of retinoblastoma (Rb). This information is vital in identifying...
Professor Jesse Berry determines the superiority of the aqueous humour as a source of tumour DNA and explains her findings from her CHECT-funded research. Developing a liquid biopsy for retinoblastoma (Rb) would help us to overcome two current clinical problems: 1)...
We hear from Dr Agata Rozanka, part of Professor Lako’s team at Newcastle University, about the CHECT-funded retinoblastoma project they have just completed, and what the next steps will be. Although there are many successful treatments for retinoblastoma, these...
We are delighted to announce the latest CHECT-funded research project on retinoblastoma drug development, which will be starting in January 2023. Professor Seigel, from the University at Buffalo, USA, describes her project below. One challenge in developing new...
You may remember last year we told you about ways in which you and your child could get involved in telling researchers what you think should be the priorities for childhood cancer research. The project was funded and run by the Childhood Cancer and Leukaemia Group...
Ocularist John Pacey-Lowrie, who you may remember from our blog on prosthetic eyes, discusses some experiences of heightened senses for those who have had vision loss. ENHANCED SENSES The human body is an incredible machine when you think about it (not including my...