
Nine-year-old Jude discusses why he chose to go for a customised prosthetic eye after losing his eye to retinoblastoma.

Losing my eye is the biggest obstacle I’ve had to overcome and having only one eye and dyspraxia is a challenge for me. Most of the time having a special eye is ok, I take it out and clean it once a week which I can do by myself.  I first saw custom eyes on YouTube and really wanted one. Choosing a design was hard as there were so many to choose from so I researched and thought hard about a design I would like to wear for a long time.  I chose two eyes, an eye that looks like the Minecraft Eye of Ender and a galaxy eye.

Jude's customised prosthetic eye - one is green and one is brown

I was so excited when it was finally time to get my new eyes.  I feel good when I wear them, a few people have stared at them but my Mum and I practised what to say if someone asks me about my custom eye so I didn’t feel worried. My friends think my new eyes are really cool and I like being able to change between different eyes which is an awesome skill to have.  I would recommend to anyone to get a custom eye as it makes you feel stylish and unique.

If you have queries relating to prosthetic eyes, you can contact our support team who will offer advice or point you in the right direction.