
The Children’s Cancer Priority Setting Partnership wants to know what children who have experienced childhood cancer think should be priorities for future research…

If your child (aged 15 or under) has had cancer, or has a sibling or friend who has cancer, they are invited to take part in this survey to tell researchers what is important to them and what they would like future research about children’s cancer to focus on.

There are three versions of the survey for children and young people of different ages, and if your child needs help to fill in the survey it is fine for you or someone else to help them. Each survey has a special animation to explain the survey to children and young people.

Your child can help to shape the future of children’s cancer research in the UK. Find out more and complete the survey now or find out more about the PSP project.

The PSP survey will close on 15 November 2021. A prioritisation process involving a stakeholder group, guided by the JLA, will work through the responses from this survey, and our previous survey of adults including parents and healthcare professionals, to agree a list of top ten research priorities and unanswered questions that will steer areas for future high-quality research to help tackle childhood cancer.

The Children’s Cancer Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) is funded by the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) and Little Princess Trust and is supported by the James Lind Alliance (JLA). It aims to find out what areas of research need to happen to make the biggest difference to children with cancer.