
We often feature our wonderful CHECT mums in our stories, and we feel it’s important to recognise those amazing dads out there who go above and beyond to support their families as well.

For Father’s Day, we asked children (maybe with a bit of help) to nominate their dads for an honorary CHECT Champion Award. Congratulations to the awesome dads below who were nominated, each of you will receive a special CHECT Champion certificate!


“Our daddy/dad is amazing.he works so hard for our family. We all love him so so much. Always here for us all. xxx He’s our world and more xxx”

Stephen is wearing a Puma hoody and smiling



“Thomas is a very caring and positive person who is forever making us laugh. When our daughter was diagnosed with Rb he was the best support and went above and beyond to do everything he could for us. He is forever making us laugh and he is the best dad to our two girls. We love him very much.”

Thomas his holding his daughter



“My daddy is the best daddy because he takes me to loads of different activities when I’m not at school like swimming and a trampoline park as they are my favourite things to do. He also buys me lots of toys! He is the most caring and loving daddy and also goes above and beyond for me and my little sister Elsie. His the most funny caring and loving daddy anyone could wish for. His always been by my side when I was in hospital and brought me my favourite food and drink into hospital. I love my daddy so much!!!”.

Calllum is sat with a baby and Esmae who is dressed as a princess



“Daddy has been so amazing throughout my Retinoblastoma journey. He never left my side and made sure I wanted for nothing. Daddy had to take some time off work during my diagnosis and enucleation which was amazing but soon had to return which left him constantly worried about me and I missed him dearly. He slept on the floor next to me until he felt ok to go back to his bed. Daddy is the most caring, loving person and always makes me laugh even when all the doctors and nurses need to do tests on me. He goes above and beyond looking after me and my family and has probably lost alot of sleep. He doesn’t know this but we would be lost without him. My daddy the superhero.”

Brian and teddy are on a go kart


“Because you are the best daddy in the whole world!”

Lyudmil is with his family out for dinner


“Ian is a determined man who always works so hard for his family and career as an international assistant referee. He always has time to play with Ava and finding new yays to give her, her eye drops. He never misses an appointment and the back bone to our family.”

Ian and Ava are swimming Ian and Ava are dancing



“Daniel is a supportive, loving daddy to George and Ava. Through George’s diagnosis he has been there for George, for me (mum) and Ava our daughter. He’s always making us smile even when times have been tough and he is finding it hard! Thank you for everything! XxXx”
Daniel and George are outside in the sunshine smiling


“My Daddy is always making me laugh, even when things are difficult. My Daddy is always giving me the best cuddles, when I need them most. My Daddy works hard to make sure I have everything that I need. My Daddy is my hero.”
Robbie has his child on his shoulders


“We nominate Zulkernan on being Yusha’s strength through his Rb cancer journey. He walks into every appointment with Yusha with the biggest smile and with lot’s of fun jokes to tell. Yusha holds his comfort in his daddy and looks upto him as his biggest hero. During the most difficult moments he is there to lighten the mood and take away all Yusha’s fears. He has not only been the pillar of support for Yusha but the other boys too who always feel supported and know there daddy is there to answer any questions they have. We can’t have imagined this journey without his love, support and humour. Yusha would like to tell his Daddy he loves him to the moon and back and with him by his side holding his little finger we can fight cancer together. Thankyou for all you do. You are our Hero! We Got this Daddy!!”.

Zulkernan is holding his son