Crazy Glasses

Would you like a quick, easy and fun way to support the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust and raise funds for babies, children and their families affected by retinoblastoma? Then Crazy Glasses Day is for you!
What is Crazy Glasses Day?
A Crazy Glasses Day can be held on any day during the year and it’s really easy and fun to get involved. Simply ask your friends, family or colleagues to design or buy a pair of wacky specs and wear them for the day in exchange for a donation – just like a non-uniform or Christmas jumper day. You can do it at home, school or in the office, wherever and whenever you like.
Where will my money go?
The money you raise will help us to support families affected by retinoblastoma as well as raise awareness and fund research into prevention and treatment of this little known disease. Retinoblastoma is a rare eye cancer, which mainly affects children under the age of six. On average, one child a week is diagnosed in the UK and early diagnosis is vital to save a child’s eyes, sight and life. Find out more about where your money goes.

How do I get involved?
All you need to do is wear a pair of crazy glasses for a day and donate £2. You can do this at home with the kids, or you could get your school or office involved and make a day of it, just like a non-uniform day.
If you fancy, you could also organise other activities, like a bake sale, charity breakfast or raffle. We can provide collecting tins, balloons and CHECT leaflets for you to give out. Just let us know if you’d like these.
If you’d like to buy a pair of glasses, you’ll probably find cheap novelty ones in your local pound shop or online. However, we’ve put together some free resources so you can download, print and design your own pair at home. You just need a printer and some card.
Download your free glasses templates
Encourage your colleagues to wear crazy glasses – either bought or homemade. You could combine this with a charity breakfast. Perhaps your boss or local businesses would donate a prize for the most outrageous glasses, or for a raffle to raise extra funds.

Use the free glasses templates or design your own and have fun making and decorating a unique pair of glasses. All you need is a printer, some card and craft materials of your choice. Or you could have a go at making a pair of glasses from scratch.

Invite your friends round for a coffee morning or drinks evening so you can each show off your crazy glasses. You could combine it with a quiz or other games to raise extra funds. Or perhaps you could arrange a crazy glasses night out at a restaurant or pub.

Paying in your funds
The quickest way to pay in your funds is via online banking:
Account name: The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust
Account number: 56175876
Sort code: 60-14-26
Please put your surname and “Crazy Glasses” as a reference so we know it was you.
You can also pay by cheque (made payable to “The Childhood Eye Cancer Trust” and sent to CHECT, Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel Road, London E1 1FR) or contact us for a paying in slip.
Get in touch
We would absolutely love to see your crazy glasses photos so please remember to share them on Facebook and Twitter on the day, using the hashtag #CrazyGlasses.
For more information, or to request balloons, collecting tins and leaflets, please get in touch.
Call us: 020 7377 5578
Email us: