
Our member Katie Bohana Davies sent us a poem about her eye that was removed due to having retinoblastoma.

My Beautiful Socket and Me đź’—

My beautiful socket,
Behind my Prosthetic,
My beautiful socket I see.

I see it often,
Daily, weekly,
Or at times when my
Prosthetic eye needs a polish/clean.

My beautiful socket is pink/red,
Behind it there’s a small round ball,
Which is called ‘the implant’,
That helps the eye to move around!

Before my beautiful socket was seen,
There used to live a monster in it!
It was a Cancerous Tumour,
With a BIG name! Retino-Blast-Oma.

To get rid of the big monster,
Cancerous Tumour of the Eye,
My eye got operated on.

My sick eye went away…
I woke up like a mummy after the opp!!
Wearing a bandage to cover my sick eye.
The opp was called Enu-Cle-Ation.

What is that?!
It’s when the surgeons get rid of the eye/eyes,
I wore ‘mummy bandages’ for a few weeks,
Then my journey began.

I then met my Ocularist…
What is that?!
The nurse that made and look after my new special eye!
That polish/buff/match my new eye to my original.

She made me an amazing match..
Match of what?!
Match of my new eye!
How great?!

After wearing a conformer,
A clear prosthetic… that I have to wear for the time being
Until my beautiful socket is fully healed after getting rid of
Retino-Blast-Oma tumour.

My beautiful socket behind my Prosthetic,
Now my Prosthetic covers my socket,
To stop it from getting infected or irritated.
It’s important to look after my beautiful socket.

But I also love to embrace it!
By showing the world who I am,
Even without a Prosthetic Eye.
And fighting the monster that hid behind it!

It’s extremely important now,
That I get seen by my Ocu-Larist!
To make sure that my socket remains beautiful behind my Prosthetic.

Well done Katie on a great poem!