In 2021 we shared Imogen’s retinoblastoma story. We spoke to her mum Lorna to see how she is doing now.
“Imogen was diagnosed with bilateral Retinoblastoma in November 2020, and over the following eighteen months went through intensive treatment including chemotherapy, IVC & radioactive plaque treatment. We knew Immy lost the vision in her right eye very early on, but we were unsure how she would cope with the reduced vision in her left eye as she grew older.
Imogen is at the beach with her mum, smiling
Fast forward to today and our (nearly) four year old is constantly surprising us with her ability to adapt to new situations. She’s navigated starting preschool and a whole new environment to explore, taken part in UCAN sessions for those with sight impairments, and likes to prove that she can climb to the top of every climbing frame in the park with absolutely no hesitation, her vision never holds her back! We have support in place to help Imogen if she needs it as she progresses through school and beyond, but as ever we will follow her lead and let her show us just what she is capable of!”
 Well done Imogen for all of your achievements!