Dear supporter,
This World Retinoblastoma Awareness Week 2019 (12th-18th May), the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust is holding a drop-in event at Westminster on Wednesday 15th May.
We are inviting MPs to come along to meet parents of children and adults affected by Rb, to hear about their journeys to diagnosis and the longer term impact of the condition. We will also be asking them to complete two easy actions to help raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of retinoblastoma with parents and healthcare professionals in their constituencies.
We need your help!
We have invited all UK MPs to our event, but we know it will be so much more effective if their own constituency members ask them to attend. If you have not already had a chance to do so (and thank you to the many members who have shared their letters with us), we have drafted a template letter which you can personalise and send to your MP.
If you are a parent, you could ask your child to draw an invitation to go with your letter to make it stand out even more!
Not sure who your MP is? Find out here!
This is the first time that CHECT has held an event like this, and we want to be able to speak to as many MPs as possible, so we would be really grateful if you could take a few minutes to help us in this way.
Best wishes,
Petra Maxwell
Information & Research Manager
petra.maxwell@chect.org.uk / 020 7377 5578