Whilst retinoblastoma has affected her life, Monica has not let the disease hold her back from success or from chasing her dreams. Now age 30, she recalls her story: Many experts agree that most teenagers and adults are unable to recall memories before they were four...
Young CHECT member Suri (age 10) was born with bilateral Rb. As a result of having chemotherapy as a very young child, he has had to visit Great Ormond Street (GOSH) for a hearing test. He kindly shares his blog with us about the experience. I have been through many...
Louise shares how her retinoblastoma has not held her back, but also how important it is to be aware of the risks of adult second cancers. My Rb journey started back in November 1973. I was eight months old when my Mum noticed my eyes were watering a lot and that I...
Diagnosed with bilateral retinoblastoma 33 years ago, Aazmeen shares her story of how inheriting the Rb gene has had an impact on her life. It was March 1987, I was eight months old when my parents took me to the GP who then referred me to an eye clinic based in...
Nicole shares her retinoblastoma story, from her lengthy treatment and struggles with being self-conscious at school, to finally embracing her artificial eye and becoming the confident woman she is today. In February 1992, two months after I was born, my mum took me...
Mum Pippa talks about her daughter Amber’s chemotherapy treatment and Rb journey. This blog may be helpful to other parents whose child is, or will be, going through something similar to treat their retinoblastoma. Amber was diagnosed at 21 months, after a...