William’s time at school after retinoblastoma

William’s time at school after retinoblastoma

We love reading about what our members are up to. Here, William, who is in Year 5, has written about his school life after retinoblastoma: “My name is William. I study in Year 5 in West London. At school I play football, basketball, the game ‘it’ and...
Meet our Great North Runners!

Meet our Great North Runners!

The Great North Run event will be respectfully modified to reflect the intense sadness which is being felt across the county – allowing brilliant runners to still raise incredible donations for charities such as ours, while remembering the devastating loss of Her...
The Ocularist…Continued!

The Ocularist…Continued!

Ocularist John Pacey-Lowrie, who you may remember from our last blog on prosthetic eyes, discusses his own journey with a different eye condition, and his training of a man who had retinoblastoma. Being born with RIGHT sided microphthalmia and coloboma has had its...