Lizzie’s Pupdate – Meet Ashford the guide dog!

Lizzie’s Pupdate – Meet Ashford the guide dog!

CHECT’s Trusts & Foundations Fundraising Manager Lizzie and her family have recently become Puppy Raisers for Guide Dogs. Golden Retriever Ashford moved in with them at the beginning of February and is expected to live with them for the next year or so until he...
Emily Ann Davison: World Book Day recommendations

Emily Ann Davison: World Book Day recommendations

I feel very honoured to be asked to write another blog post for CHECT for World Book Day 2023. In my previous post, I talked about how books were important to me as a child, and how it’s come full circle now that I am a children’s author. I was just a baby when I was...
Name our penguin!

Name our penguin!

Thanks to the generosity of Phoenix Bespoke Solutions Ltd, us at CHECT have been busy behind the scenes creating a toy to support children who have had, or who will have an enucleation. And we’re now excited to show you our penguin! This fluffy friend can be used to...